The Short of It…

I am not an artist. I am an artist AND a writer, woman, mother of three, wife, daughter, sister, friend, home manager, weekend worker, instructor, tax payer, interlaced and intertwined with interests and hobbies, needs and goals. My art is my life and my life is some kind of strange artform and it all finds its way onto a canvas as I attempt to make sense of the world.

The Long of It…

I am a Ballardong/Whadjuk Noongar and Yamatji x third generation Australian woman and mother, and I was raised from birth in the southwest of WA. I am a self-taught artist from a very young age and I paint intuitively and from the heart. After inspiration strikes I love to work with the painting and let it direct me. My practise involves exploring with layered techniques, attempting to show the many layers to the human experience and our connection to spirit, often through earthy undertones of my Noongar heritage and culture. Figures and portraits are seen to dominate my work, and I am always trying to catch that moment in between breaths where the rawness of emotion and expression shine through. I enjoy exploring themes around womanhood, motherhood, the spirit, healing, mental health and expression and believe the artistic process can be an form of healing . Art is very much a part of my being and I love sharing the joy of art with others. I facilitate art workshops to connect and share knowledge with the community, and have been invited to work on local collaborative projects. I have a strong passion for encouraging art in youth.

My process is ever evolving, as is my life, self, family and ideas, and my work reflects life in this sense. It all has a place in my journey and so I birthed the creative space ‘Studio Boodja’ - a place and expression of connection with the creative self and the land on which we live and care for. A place for stories and for community. As this transforms into its full expression I imagine my arts practice will too. Thanks for coming along for the ride.